Rendez-Vous grows purchases by 165% with Jampp

Rendez-Vous partnered with Jampp for User Acquisition and App Retargeting.

Martin Winter

February 10, 2025

About Rendez-Vous

Rendez-Vous is a leading retailer in the high-quality footwear and accessories segment with over 100 stores nationwide and a vast offering to suit every taste and occasion.

Rendez-Vous boosts mobile sales with Jampp's User Acquisition and App Retargeting.

The Challenge

Rendez-Vous aimed to drive incremental sales on their app by acquiring new customers and encouraging them to make more purchases, more often.

“We loved the fact that Jampp’s solutions are included as part of their platform. We can test so many different ad variations with such little effort—and their team is always keen to share insights and create custom ad units that align perfectly with our goals.” Olga Bigbasheva, Head of Digital at Rendez-Vous.

The Solution

Rendez-Vous partnered with Jampp’s consumer platform for User Acquisition and App Retargeting, successfully growing their user base by attracting high-quality customers and keeping them engaged.

  • Implemented API and DPA-driven creative formats, including Weather and Carousel Ads, to drive incremental conversions.
  • Optimized campaign efficiency with a dynamic budget allocation strategy, focusing on key dates when user spending typically increases.
  • Improved performance by leveraging custom audiences built around high-intent in-app events, such as “add to wishlist” and “add to cart.”
Rendez-Vous drove incremental conversions with Jampp's Dynamic Product Ads.

Key success metrics

Rendez-Vous success metrics after running with Jampp, including incremental in-app purchases and improved ROAS.

Grow your mobile app with Jampp

If you want to learn more about how Jampp’s programmatic platform and solutions can help you grow your user base and drive more in-app conversions, take a look at our success stories, or contact us to see our growth platform in action.

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