Takeaway grows mobile orders by 45% with App Retargeting

Takeaway.com is the leading online food delivery marketplace in Continental Europe, connecting consumers and restaurants through its…

Jampp Team

December 10, 2018

Takeaway.com is the leading online food delivery marketplace in Continental Europe, connecting consumers and restaurants through its platform in 10 European countries and Vietnam.

Taking Food Delivery to the Next Level

The Food Delivery marketplace is competitive in just about every region, but in Europe it has the added challenge of being a fragmented market, the diversity of languages and dishes.

While breaking into newer markets such as Bulgaria and Romania, Takeaway was looking to drive incremental orders from users in their more established markets such as The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Austria and Poland.

Takeaway partnered with Jampp to boost their mobile sales in the most cost-effective way, leveraging Jampp’s advanced Data Analytics to ensure their retargeting efforts were in no way cannibalizing organics.

Incremental revenue from returning customers on Jampp's Retargeting Campaign

Diving into the Data — Preventing Cannibalization

We conducted Power User Data Reports to analyze user behavior for each app (geo) and OS.

Knowing how long users typically took between one purchase and the next allowed us to fine-tune our targeting strategies to ensure we were only targeting users who would not have made a purchase otherwise.

It’s important to note several factors can influence the time between purchases, the vertical itself being the most obvious (typically food delivery and taxi apps have shorter timeframes than say travel apps), but also how saturated the market is (if the average user has 2–3 different taxis apps, they might alternate between one and the other). In particularly competitive verticals, marketers should definitely try to stay top of mind for their users.

“Jampp’s retargeting platform has allowed us to boost our mobile orders while maintaining our CPA benchmark. Additionally, their team has been super transparent and proactive, sharing granular insights on our users’ behavior and creative performance.” — Marc Deckers, Senior App Marketing Specialist

Creative A/B Testing

With Creatives Lab, our machine learning algorithms optimize based on the performance of each individual design element. Since every element inside the html ads a data point, creating ads in this manner enables significantly more granular reporting, which we eagerly shared with Takeaway’s Design Team so we could collaborate in creating the best performing creatives.

Creatives do matter! Testing different themes on the campaign, we saw ECR differences of up to 12% for some ads. Even after identifying the best-performing creatives, we continued running A/B tests, since all creatives (no matter how awesome) will have a CTR drop over time.

CPA Optimization

After the initial exploration phase of the campaign, we were able to meet and maintain the Cost Per Action (CPA) benchmark.

Want to learn more?

Read more about our Creatives Lab and A/B Testing Ads or Schedule a Demo to see our Programmatic Marketing platform & Data Analytics in action.

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