Jampp joins Adjust’s Growth Lab in Buenos Aires

Jampp, Adjust, and Winclap joined forces for a series of insightful sessions for mobile marketers.

Melisa Rocío Fernández

July 25, 2024

Jampp had the pleasure of joining Adjust’s Growth Lab, a global event designed to bring app marketers together and share the latest updates, insights, and trends in the mobile marketing industry.

The 2024 Buenos Aires edition drew a full house, gathering leading apps from key verticals such as E-Commerce, Travel, and Finance. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from expert speakers representing Adjust, Jampp, and Winclap, and enjoy insightful sessions on the future of mobile attribution, growth hacking, and strategies for limited-time offers.

In this article, we’ll share key takeaways from these sessions, providing a comprehensive overview of the discussions and highlights from the event 😉.

Mobile App Trends by Adjust’s Guido Fiorentino

In this first session, Guido from the Adjust team dived into the latest industry trends for Finance, E-commerce, and Gaming apps

Fintech app installs and sessions both saw impressive growth in 2023, increasing by 42% and 24% year-over-year, respectively. The fact that these apps are attracting more users and seeing longer sessions shows that users are more committed to their finances than ever. They aren’t just investing more time on these apps, but also more willing to invest their money on these platforms: in 2023, global in-app revenue for Fintech apps soared by an impressive 118% YoY.

Adjust's industry metrics for fintech apps

After E-Commerce installs experienced a decline in 2022, this vertical saw a significant turnaround in 2023 with a 43% increase in installs. However, the number of sessions grew in most markets, with a notable shift towards shorter sessions—the only exception being LATAM, where session length increased from 8.4 to 8.6 minutes. This trend could indicate that most apps have optimized their path for conversion, requiring shorter sessions.

Retention continues to be one of the main challenges E-commerce apps are facing. With an average of 1.52 sessions per user on day 0 and 0.32 on day 1, there is a clear need for effective, long-term engagement strategies.

adjust's industry metrics for ecommerce apps

When it comes to mobile games, LATAM was the only market where gaming installs grew in 2023, with a 7% year-over-year increase. Even though installs experienced modest growth, daily active viewers increased towards the second half of 2023. This change, together with a surge in CPMs led to stronger returns for app developers. At the sub-vertical level, several categories saw promising development throughout 2023, as shown in the graph below.

adjust's industry metrics for mobile games

Limited Time x Fast Growth by Jampp’s Gabriel Oyarzabal and Rocio Vivot

In our session, Gabriel Oyarzabal, Jampp’s VP of Sales LATAM, addressed some of the main challenges mobile businesses face in Argentina: (1) a highly competitive market, where advertisers fight for the attention of millions of app users; (2) low user retention, with 89% abandoning an app 7 days after install unless retargeted; and (3) the risk of ad fraud, especially when collaborating with partners that offer little to no transparency in terms of campaign performance.

Jampp's overview of the leading apps in Argentina

Rocio Vivot, Jampp’s Head of Customer Success shed some light on key strategies to solve these pain points and drive long-term growth. We focused on campaign boosts around key events or limited-time offers, one of the key trends helping advertisers across the world drive success. These types of campaigns adapt to any vertical, as they allow you to promote new product launches, seasonalities, sports events, special discounts, and more.

Jampp's examples of limited-time offers for fintech, shopping, food, and streaming apps

Based on tried and tested campaigns, Rocio broke down the ideal strategy for promoting a limited-time offer before, during, and after the promoted event. We reviewed actionable best practices around the best time to kick off new campaigns, dynamic budget allocation, strategic deeplinks, creative testing, and interactive ad formats (such as Multiproduct, Carousel, Countdown, and Weather-Based Ads).

Growth Hacking: 10 Years Later by Winclap’s Gonzalo Varela

Gonzalo from Winclap introduced Sean Ellis' book, Hacking Growth, to explore the future of growth over the next 10 years in the mobile marketing industry and how marketers can fully leverage these emerging trends.

Gonzalo's winclap presenting their hacking growth session at growth lab buenos aires

Firstly, demonstrating the impact of marketing strategies on business outcomes will become more challenging. It will be essential for advertisers to have an efficient growth strategy that is fully aligned with the company's objectives, working with metrics that ultimately tie into the KPIs monitored by C-level executives and shareholders.

a chart showing how to align company strategy with growth strategy

Another trend to expect is a slowdown in the growth of mobile, which is becoming an increasingly saturated channel, leading to higher competition. As a result, we'll see new ad formats and strategies designed to stand out in such crowded markets. One example is short-form video, such as TikTok or Instagram Reels, some of the formats currently accelerating and facilitating content distribution. In these short-form videos, the message must entertain or inform, and brands must ensure their communication aligns with the tone and style of the platforms and creators.

Finally, we'll see greater automation in campaign optimization through AI. This will highlight the importance of a comprehensive martech stack and various tools associated with performance, control, and campaign measurement, aiming to strengthen business alignment. There is still much to learn about AI and how to leverage it, especially with the tools we use daily. Often, we don’t fully explore how to leverage all the features these tools offer. Moving forward, the challenge will be determining how many tools to use and how to choose them effectively.

The Future of App Campaign Measurement with AI by Adjust’s Daniel Lopez

This session focused on Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) framework, and how attribution methods like SKAdNetwork (SKAN) and AdAttributionKit (AAK) are changing iOS campaigns globally. 

As Daniel explained, starting with ATT users are shown a pop-up message or prompt asking them whether they agree or disagree to be tracked for advertising purposes. According to the latest Adjust data, in Argentina only 33% of users currently opt-in to ATT when prompted, which means initiatives like SKAN and AAK are key to reaching users who opt out.

SKAdNetwork ATT opt in rates 2024 by adjust

It’s no coincidence that last week Jampp recently hosted an iOS-focused panel at AGS São Paulo. While these privacy changes are newer to LATAM (typically an Android-heavy region), iOS penetration continues to grow, with this segment proving to be highly valuable: iOS users spend more on apps and have higher retention rates. 

This session also dived into the future of attribution, where AI comes in as a key tool MMP partners like Adjust are leveraging to identify user value, help advertisers optimize their ROAS/ROI, and in the case of SKAN, set up their conversion values. 

Wrapping up

Growth Labs Buenos Aires 2024 was a standout event in the region, bringing together a diverse group of mobile app experts from various verticals and offering curated strategic sessions. It was great to connect with our mobile marketing community and share insights alongside trusted partners like Adjust and Winclap. We're looking forward to doing it again soon! 😉

Jamppers catching up with the Adjust LATAM team over breakfast at a traditional cafe in Buenos Aires ☕🥐

If you want to learn more about programmatic, limited-time offers, or dive into the challenges your mobile business is facing, drop us a line to talk to one of our experts. Let’s grow your app together!

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